Special thanks to Monpoc community member John Macek for creating the Monpoc List Builder!!!  We have added this very useful tool to the main menu and encourage you to test the tool and provide your bugs, feedback and additional requested functionality in the forums.  Also, thank Mark for his awesome effort!!  :)



Read more: List Builder available!!!

Aspiring Monpoc Kaiju painters!!  Check out the cool painting contest hosted by Riker's iron and win a starter set!! Rules after the hop: Facebook link. Good luck!

Read more: Riker's Iron Repaint Event & Contest!

Transcript of file 65028A-F5BB70 (GUARD Research Mainframe -> Enemy Research -> Lords of Cthul).  Note: This data file was heavily corrupted; beyond what would be expected from the physical damage to the hard drive imparted by the rubble from which it was recovered.  Audio is plagued by a constant bass hum and video is recoverable in only small fragments.

First discernable audio is of a single unknown male voice; referred to in the transcript as “Head Cultist”.

[Head Cultist] When first the comet moved, I felt the blindness leave my sight, and the path was clear.  The Lords…

Read more: [Fluff] The Ritual

Arisu Kaneko, PhD, MD, Nobel Laureate, and scientific living legend, was annoyed.

"The Board" as they called themselves, droned on, unconcerned with her annoyance.  They were debating whether to deploy assets in South America.  A patently ridiculous idea, she reflected, since there would be no advantages (martial, material, or in the media) to be found in combating the Terrasaur threat at this early stage. 

She drummed her immaculate nails on the burmese blackwood table of the board room, and fervently wished that this collection of powerful criminals would finish their incessant yammering so that she could get back to…

Read more: [Fluff] Board Meeting

We didn't know that the Monsterpocalypse was already upon us.

We didn't know that the UFO reports were real, that the abductions had a purpose, that we were about to be invaded. We didn't know that the shadows held gateways to other worlds, that entities in those worlds whispered madness, that there were some worshipping the whispers. We didn't know that the comets were coming, that they were from stars beyond, that they carried only destruction in their depths.

We didn't know that there were megafauna hidden in the depths of the amazon, that monsters already walked the earth, that…

Read more: [Fluff] We didn't Know

Rage. Hatred. Pain. Then cold.

These were her last thoughts while being carried by the humans crude devices into the cold darkness of space.

Cold. "Sleep" came the command from afar, and she obeyed. Drifting in the noiseless calm of space. Awaiting the next command.

Time passed, no further commands came, so Gorgahdra continued her slumber.

Cold. Noise. Metal? She stirred, still no command from the collective consciousness, but no matter, hunger consumed her mind for a moment while she felt the finished metal beneath her. Pain! Something jabbed into her and the blackness reclaimed her mind.


That single…

Read more: [Fluff] All Part Of the Plan


The deck of the mothership’s bridge hummed with power beneath the Warlord's four toed feet.  As the impossibly large silver and green saucer streaked through the void, the Warlord reflected on all that had transpired between stasis and waking.  The centuries had passed in an instant to the Warlord, but the changes were remarkable.  


Their home had been destroyed.  


Oceans of dust had swallowed the cities, buried the long dry canals, and interfered with the progress of The Plan, may it come to glorious fruition.  Thousands had died from stasis collapse.  Friends and family and…

Read more: [Fluff] May it come to glorious fruition