Rage. Hatred. Pain. Then cold.
These were her last thoughts while being carried by the humans crude devices into the cold darkness of space.
Cold. "Sleep" came the command from afar, and she obeyed. Drifting in the noiseless calm of space. Awaiting the next command.
Time passed, no further commands came, so Gorgahdra continued her slumber.
Cold. Noise. Metal? She stirred, still no command from the collective consciousness, but no matter, hunger consumed her mind for a moment while she felt the finished metal beneath her. Pain! Something jabbed into her and the blackness reclaimed her mind.
That single feeling crossed her mind as it slowly became conscious. Before more came to mind everything went black again.
"The creature is resting again, I suggest we make this quick, we don't know how long it will remain out." the analyst said to the warlord via the inter-ship link "The transport is ready for deployment." The warlord simply nodded approval and made a quick gesture to carry on. The analyst nodded in understanding and the link went off. Turning to the assembled technicians and scientists the analyst made the announcement "We proceed - let us start the deployment. The humans must be distracted so that we may extract more resources undisturbed."
Over the next few hours, the assembled martians went about their orderly and assigned tasks, loading the gargantuan beast into the captured meteor that had been hollowed out. While typically they wouldn't bother with such trivial nonsense as trying to make use of a planet eater, as they were far more trouble than they're worth, the elders demanded more resources, and they were not able to face the humans head on... yet.
When the beast was loaded, the massive walkers in the bay welded the outside of the rock shut - no need for the beast contained inside to escape early. "It is done" the analyst sent to the warlord "Shall we commence?". A simple one word answer came - "Yes."
The rock hurtled out of the bay - silently in the vacuum of space set on a collision course with the blue and green orb below. Guided in purpose and direction but left to look like "natural" causes guide it to a landing site, somewhere far from the actual intended invasion target, a remote resource rich area in a land called "Russia". Gorgahdra had other plans however, as she stirred restlessly in her slumber, throwing the rock off of it's intended course. The meteor hit the humans' sensor net, and smashed straight through the debris cloud of junk the humans had put in orbit over the years - everything from satellites to pieces of space shuttles and stations. It careened through their orbit - burning away some of the outer layers, enough to cover up the fact that it was artificially handled.
Coming down like the fist of an angry deity, the artificial rock smashed into the ocean roughly a hundred miles east of the Falkland Islands in South America. As it crashed into the seafloor the rock shielding did what it had been designed to - it broke open upon impact. Steam billowed forth from where the super-heated rock contacted the water and the ocean rushed back in, quick to bury that which had become a part of it.
Alert! Impact! Wetness. "Awaken". There it was, the joined consciousness returned, and it commanded Gorgahdra to rise from the depths - both slumber and the water.
Hunger. Gorgahdra rose, shattering her rocky tomb fully and standing. She could sense the hidden spawns on the mainland to the West of her position. They must arise and consume, she would make sure of it. She started moving towards them, and as she left deeper waters her towering form erupted from the surf, revealing her in all of her enormous majesty. In the ruined cities and jungles of this southern continent smaller planet eater spawn stirred, waking from their dormancy more quickly than the gargantuan beast approaching - they had one directive. "Feed"
- Details
- Written by Ersatz Gnomes
- Category: Planet Eaters
- Hits: 2435