Agenda: Destroyers | Faction: Martian Menace

Released: December 2018

The Ares Mothership is a large Martian vehicle propelled by unknown means, and it represents the first extraterrestrial construct to enter Earth’s atmosphere in recorded history. Its powerful lasers immediately answered the question of whether alien intelligence would be friendly or hostile. As the vanguard of the Martian invasion of the planet, Ares Mothership prosecutes a campaign of destruction across the globe, securing valuable resources that it can transform into new Martian assault craft.

ALPHA Form Stats Special Rules
Speed 7 High Mobility
Defense 8  
Brawl 6A 3B Manufacture
Blast 6A 4B (RNG 3)  
Power 5A 4B  
Health 11 - 6  
Inherent Abilities   Abduct (4), Transport, Flight, Mechanical, Steady


HYPER Form Stats Special Rules
Speed 7 High Mobility
Defense 8  
Brawl 6A 4B Manufacture
Blast 6A 5B (RNG 5) Hit & Run
Power 5A 4B  
Health 5 - 1  
Inherent Abilities   Flight, Spotter, Steady, Tactical Command



  • A model is always considered allied with itself, so Hyper Ares Mothership will always get the benefit of its own Spotter.
  • Damage from a Hazard is only checked when a model first moves into that Hazard. If Ares Mothership is standing on a Hazard and is either Power Attacked or loses Flight in some way, it will not take damage from that Hazard until it is moved off and then back onto it.


  • With high speed, Flight, and the ability to Abduct screening units, Ares Mothership is surprisingly aggressive in Alpha form. It's easy to find (or make your own) openings for Power Attacks.
  • You can use Steady to set up unfavorable counterattacks for your opponent, making Body Slams that would be obvious plays against other monsters dice-intensive.

NOTE: All images are sourced from Privateer Press's official site unless otherwise noted.

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