Transcript of file 65028A-F5BB70 (GUARD Research Mainframe -> Enemy Research -> Lords of Cthul). Note: This data file was heavily corrupted; beyond what would be expected from the physical damage to the hard drive imparted by the rubble from which it was recovered. Audio is plagued by a constant bass hum and video is recoverable in only small fragments.
First discernable audio is of a single unknown male voice; referred to in the transcript as “Head Cultist”.
[Head Cultist] When first the comet moved, I felt the blindness leave my sight, and the path was clear. The Lords of Cthul, those who have whispered throughout these eons, must be unleashed. All of you here have heard their whispers. Have seen their majesty in your nightmares. Know of their glorious power. Though these are troubled times for the occult arts, I know that their release is our salvation.
An unknown number of other cultists chant in response.
[Cultists Chanting] Abjekrehan Fthugneh Ziqua'knor
[Head Cultist] But this salvation does not come without cost. This price must be paid. Blight shall descend upon the land. The abyss we all know so clearly will be spread to those with lesser wills. Fools will call our work here today a corruption of the natural order. But all of you here know that this cost must be borne. That we must force those unwilling to pay the towering toll. That nothing is accomplished without...sacrifice.
[Cultists Chanting] Ygthsheth Oquarin Ul'rothgek B'denkora
[Head Cultist] The time is now. The chosen is here. The preparations are complete. Bring forth the offering.
[Cultists Chanting] Rap'utgrosh Vak'shteth Cas'shteroth
Unintelligible screaming. Video shows a brief flash of a bound woman being hauled before a figure in a robe.
[Head Cultist] Hushing, comforting noises. Child. Be not afraid. I was once like you. I knew nothing, and the blessing of the eldritch was beyond me. I struggled in vain to make sense of this broken world. I found the truth only in our dreams of other dimensions. I sought out the truth, and beings from beyond this world whispered it to me in languages you cannot comprehend. But will now, on behalf of the Lords of Cthul, speak.
The screaming begins again. Wet noises and gagging interrupt the screaming. Video cuts in again to show the robed figure holding an ornate, bloody knife in one hand, and a human tongue in the other. The bound woman is vomiting blood onto the floor before the robed figure.
[Cultists Chanting] Vic’jec’nah Iet’kay Cthugrosh!
[Head Cultist] Let your words speak through our offering to you!
Video shows Cthulian tentacles emerging from the mouth of the bound woman. Eventually touching the floor and lifting her body off the floor by the mouth.
[Head Cultist] Observe! As the chosen rises to speak in the tongue of the Lords of Cthul!
Video cuts out suddenly. A new voice begins speaking. Analysis has concluded this voice could not be made by a human trachea.
[Eldritch Entity] I am here, prophet. As I foretold. Your work thus far pleases me.
[Head Cultist] Oh great and mighty Cthugrosh! We implore you-
[Eldritch Entity] Silence! We know what you seek. You know what has been asked. Use the dagger!
[Head Cultist] Yes, Lord Cthugrosh! I have it here. I have so many questions. Please-
[Eldritch Entity] Do as you have been bidden, human. Release me, and then we shall speak.
Video cuts back in to show the robed figure plunge the knife into the chest of the bound woman.
The bound woman screams again. Overlaying this scream, Cthulian laughter becomes steadier and steadier.
[Eldritch Entity] Good, good. Now, to answer your questions, it is quite simple.
The bound woman’s body begins to grow, distort, and change color before the video cuts out again
[Head Cultist] Please, great one, teach us you wisd-
There is a choking, gurgling sound. The previously chanting cultists begin to scream in panic. The bass hum builds in volume.
[Eldritch Entity] Your soul shall provide, succulent morsel. Your flesh shall serve, slave of meat. Your world shall perish, foolish mortal.
The remainder of the data is too corrupted for recovery
- Details
- Written by Jeff Mitchell
- Category: Lords of Cthul
- Hits: 4070